
Cari Kamp worked in health care for 20 years and then started coaching on health and wellness in 2011 and saw a great improvement to her own health after making changes to her food choices. She has given many different types of wellness presentations over the years and participated in cooking shows which demonstrated the ease and benefits of this lifestyle. Cari’s health was challenged with pre-diabetes, insulin resistance and low thyroid, and she wanted to find a solution without taking pharmaceuticals. She was introduced to a low inflammatory, nutrient dense, whole food lifestyle and intermittent fasting. She researched further to learn the Standard American Diet, which included eating every few hours, was very unhealthy for her. Cari was able to reverse her insulin resistance and low thyroid with natural supplements and eating a wide variety of nutrient dense meats and low carbohydrate vegetables. She loves to cook flavor filled food and is passionate about helping others feel great, improve their health and reverse health conditions with non-inflammatory foods. Cari is certified through an accredited certification program focusing on nutrient dense whole foods which also includes Ketogenic and Carnivore Lifestyles, Protein Sparing Modified Fasts and Supplements to enhance results. Check out her Instagram page @kamptidbits to see all the delicious foods you can eat! Cari teaches that in any busy lifestyle, you can have success. Why is Cari different? 30 consecutive days of coaching. The doctors that refer clients to Cari comment how much they like a condensed and focused customized coaching program. Clients love that she teaches a lifestyle that is not a diet. No juicing fasts or pre-made packaged food. Cari can enhance the results of the practitioner’s goal and help clients feel better as they lower the inflammation in their body. Doctors and personal trainers see quicker results in total body health when inflammation is reduced by finding out what food is causing the inflammation. Clients like the fact she is a science-based educator, affordable, positive & supportive. Cari can help clients nationwide- weight loss to therapeutic coaching for every form of medical condition. Many clients she coaches do not want to take more medication but want to reduce it. Sign up for a free 15-minute consult to see if her coaching is a fit for you at www.kamptidbits.com or email Cari directly at kamptidbits@gmail.com

First 30 days Overview

A nutrient dense, whole food diet, which consists of lean meat and low carbohydrate vegetables, is a lifestyle that can benefit all areas of your health. The first 30 days are a transition for your body as it adapts from burning carbohydrates and sugar to using your own body fat as fuel. Coaching you through this is very helpful with tips to manage changes in your body.


After 30 Days Overview

It takes 4 – 6 weeks for your body to become more efficient at burning fat as your main fuel if you are eating a well-balanced whole foods diet. Personal coaching helps you continue towards your specific goals and gives you the information and support to make different choices.


First</br> 30 Days

30 Days

Phase I: Transition into your new lifestyle.

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After</br> 30 Days

30 Days

Phase II: Foundation for long term benefits.

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About</br> Cari


Learn more about Cari Kamp your health coach and mentor

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