Client: JH

It has been a wonderful experience to be in Cari’s nutrition program. I lost 12 pounds very quickly and this has been without feeling hungry or undernourished. Losing these pounds at the end has been for me the least important thing. My fasting glucose went from 110 to 83, and my blood pressure went from 160 to 128.75. All I can say is that I’ve found my way of eating, I have been sugar free for 45 days and I don’t crave it anymore, my sugar addiction is on its way out forever and I don’t miss it at all!

Cari has a very gentle and warm approach and I’ll recommend her to anyone that wants to start a new way of life as far as food is concerned.

Client: JH

Client: AC

I loved working with Cari! She is very knowledgeable, supportive, and full of great ideas. She is the person that you want in your corner as you begin your journey to a healthier lifestyle. I found her daily emails to be incredibly helpful with expanding my knowledge, getting great recipes, and encouragement. Not only was Cari supportive, but she was also very responsive to all my crazy questions. I’ve gained so much more confidence with being able to make healthy choices for myself and my husband and I feel so much better in my body. I have more energy, less afternoon crashes, and really appreciate what I see in the mirror too. I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish so much in such a short time without her and I will be forever grateful. Thank you, Cari

Client: AC