Client: FE

It has been a journey full of understanding and quite positive dietary changes.
I have learned to eat mindfully to stay healthy and most of all, control my sugar levels which make me feel happy as I found scientific reasons how I eat, and the way I eat, influences a large percentage of my health, all of this thanks to you, the articles that you sent to me, and your guide to achieve these goals, once again, Thank you very much

Client: FE

Client: VH

I started working w/ Cari after I had discovered from watching YouTube videos that I could reduce my blood pressure without taking medicine. I saw her at an event where she said that she had helped herself reverse low thyroid and pre-diabetes and where she said that the body cannot distinguish between visceral fat and dietary fat. Up until meeting her I was trying to follow a Carnivore diet by watching YouTube videos. I understood the concepts and I had started eating fatty meat but I needed to reduce my visceral fat and that just wasn’t happening. In fact, I was gaining weight.

I started working w/ Cari because I didn’t want to learn how to perfect my diet by trial and error. I am very happy that I chose to work w/ Cari because I have learned so much. Cari is all about educating me and her other clients. She starts where we are and then she teaches us how to read labels, prepare ourselves for parties, cook healthy substitutes for the high carb “comfort’ foods we love and so much more.

I am very satisfied w/ Cari’s instruction and support. I haven’t yet reached all my goals but I am on my way, big time! Thank you, Cari

Client: VH